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Halo Card Call Center, Providing Required Information

Telcomsel provides the  best service provider in Indonesia, including the Halo Card Call Center, providing services in a variety of ways or using the media to make it easier for users to access, hopefully, the various obstacles or information required will be provided quickly and easily.

It is understood that there are many telcomsel users and some have been there for many years. It is understood that there are still customers with difficulties when using the company’s call center service for various reasons. As a loyal user or new customer, you need to understand how to deal with CS and what its benefits are.

Halo Card Call Centre requires customers to obtain different important information, and the information provided is more accurate because it comes from the same Telcomsel company, so you can trust, clearly and will not take time because the answer is too quick.

Information about Halo Telcomsel Card

You may be aware of halo cards owned by Telcomsel, Indonesia’s largest provider company. The type of service offered really varies slightly because it uses postpaid or later first salary. For more details on identifying the Halo card, see the short review below.

  1. What’s the hello card?

Kartu Halo is a postpaid network service provided by Telcomsel to all its loyal customers. In addition to 24 hours, 2G, 3G, 4G and recently developed 5G can also be used on various networks. There is also halo card call center service that can be used for official information.

  1. How to pay bills

Because the payment system is postpaid, you can use it first and pay later. You will receive a bill in detail at the end of each period. There are ATMs, internet banking, main Telcomsel, Grapari, Indomart, Alphamart, Linkaja, Mygrapari and many other payment methods.

  1. Halo Card Customers

The halo card call center often raises questions  about whether a customer can be  a customer – everyone can register as a new customer or an old Telcomcel user, the requirement is that they  must act in the vasi with supporting data such as KTP, KK or other required data.

  1. Customer service and customer service

Information about how to register is also often obtained as you are interested in becoming a customer. It’s not hard to just register on a Telcomcel registration channel like Grapery. Telesales, web-based Telcomsel and various partners may also be on other official channels offline and online.


The importance of halo card call center function  is that you must at least know the number you need to call, because if you ever want to use this service, you don’t need to confuse the reacquisition story because it’s stored in contacts, below are some numbers and guides on how to use the services provided by Telcomcel Kartu Halo.

  1. Customers who viewed Telcomsel

Telcomsel customers can call 188 directly at any time 24 hours a day. Those with a postpaid card like Halo will not receive any charges from you or free of charge. However, prepaid card users like Sympathy, Loop and Kartu AS are charged Rp300 / phone.

  1. Numbers of frequently asked questions

If you have general questions or are not a Telcomsel customer, you can contact 080 718 118 11. There are call charges such as local calls so there is no need to worry if it costs enormously. Call the Halo Card Call Centre immediately  , you can ask questions in general.

  1. External use

In addition to the two services described above, Telcomsel is also providing special services to overseas customers. Customers can make calls from abroad with a special number not to charge (free) at all. Call +62 8110 000 333 only and the service is open 24 hours a day.

  1. Service other than phone number

You can use a phone number as well as other services such as email. Some of the options you need to contact the call centre include:

  • Facebook: Facebook.com/Telkomsel
  • Twitter: Twitter.com/kartuHalo
  • Email : cs@telkomsel.co.id

You can also come directly to Grapari during working hours for full information.

Call Centre

You can contact anyone by contacting  the Halo Card Call Centre and  tell them whether they are already customers or not. Regardless of the information, the customer service will certainly respond as much as possible, if you find out what information to ask, see some examples of your customers’ questions below.

  1. Disorders experiencing

Difficulty registering an internet package orlogging someone else’s pound if you are experiencing problems that cannot be numbered, and then you can immediately contact CS from different numbers as you want, and you feel comfortable getting over the interference immediately and using it again.

  1. check

You can  also contact the Halo Card Call Centre for information on many ways to check, for example, check your own number, check your bills, check transactions, offers and more. Don’t forget to take notes.

  1. Use the latest promo

Customers can also contact CS services to get the latest profitable promos. For example, there is a saving package promo, which is very sad if the bill is not used cheaply. Don’t hesitate to find interesting promos.

Call Center Service Halo Card U

Halo Card Call Centre is deliberately provided by Telcomsel to reassure customers, and it is hoped that any information, different obstacles and solutions will be found by contacting the service. The large number of benefits available makes it impossible to explain all those benefits and some of the benefits under them.

  1. Complete and clear information

It is not easy to obtain information about the card used for various reasons. But using this service will provide easier, faster, more complete and clearer information. Because the information received is directly from the company, not from other media.

  1. Troubleshooting or troubleshooting

Professional and experienced customer service will help overcome various issues or obstacles. So don’t hesitate to contact our service because there is anything that can be done to resolve the issue. For example, the last time you don’t know the transaction check, forget your own number, the difficulty of registering, temporary blocked cards, and other obstacles.

  1. A complaint can be lodged

We are always open to various criticisms, suggestions and complaints from our customers in order to maintain quality. Complaints can be lodged by contacting the call centre in various ways. So just let the customer service know using good, gentle, clear and understandable Indonesia.

There are already a lot of halo card users in Indonesia and the network is evenly distributed in different regions, saying the network is very good. Special services are provided to improve service and maintain customer satisfaction.  Customers are free to contact the Halo Card Call Centre if information is needed or different issues are overcome.

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